That was AWESOME. No, really. It was!! Zero sarcasm.
We may not overdo our anniversary, but we find smaller ways to say, "Hey, I still love you after all of these years." Like this lotion Jerry bought me for my birthday.
He bought it at Wal-Mart.
What's so special about that? Well, it's not so much the lotion he bought for me, but the trouble he went through to buy the perfect lotion. He told me that he stood in the fancy lotion section of Wal-Mart, smelling every single lotion they sold.
My husband who is a beast at 6'5", 230 pounds, standing in the cosmetics section smelling every single lotion. Just to find the "perfect" one for me. Can you picture it in your head like I can?
THAT was the best present he could have given me. That he took the time, cared enough, put so much thought and humility into finding something "perfect" for me.
And you know what?
I loved it. The lotion truly is "perfect".
Happy anniversary, babe! I may just keep you around a little while longer......