Monday, April 7, 2014


The time has come.  It's been in the works for four years. 

Our time in the desert is over.

Though we have enjoyed our time here in Del Rio, it is time for us to move on to another fun and exotic location to explore. 

It has been a pleasure writing this blog and sharing our desert adventures with you.  

 Join me soon at my new blogs; Please Send Sunscreen, where I will document living in The Bahamas with a bunch of pasty redheads, and Man with Spear, where I will highlight the adventures of some man I know.  

See you in the sun!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Boots, Boats, and Boar

Going way, way back to summer of 2013, the big kids went to sleepover summer camp.  This was Paige's second year going and Josh's first.  

I was so nervous for The Boy.  He was fine about it.  Mama Hen not so much.

 So what did the rest of us do while the Bigs were at camp?

Phoebe and I chilled out in the state park down the road.  Hangin' in the camper.  Trailer babes!

 We went out to lunch, out for ice cream, and to work off all of that garbage, out for hikes in the mountains.  The weather was beautiful and so was my company!

 Georgia continued her don't-be-a-chicken training with exposure to wildlife, new smells and sounds, going up and down stairs that move, and a leash. 

She was not bothered at all.  Except for the wildlife, new smells and sounds, going up and down stairs that move, and the leash. 

If Phoebe and I were in the camper, where was Jerry?

Driving to Montana.  

Of course.  Why wouldn't he drive to Montana.

He drove to Montana from Texas to drop off a friend's boat and pick up our new boat for the Bahamas.  Here it is!  Ain't she purdy? 

Well, it's a boat.  She floats and is reliable.  So yay!

At the end of the week, we picked the Bigs up from camp and headed home.  

 I missed these kids so much!  (And I miss my blonde hair that got messed up after later dyeing it red for Halloween.  But that's another post that's not going to happen.)

 And Georgia?  What was her favorite part of the trip?

"Please, PLEASE, let me chase those javelina!  Just once!  I know they have tusks and will impale me like Olaf and I'm a big chicken and wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it but I'm a Great Dane!  Bred for hunting wild boar!  


Just one?  

The baby one?"

Maybe next time, Georgia.  Maybe next time.

Gingers and Wine

 Introducing the future, all-ginger, Irish swim team!

 Starring Miss Graceful Flippers, Miss Kangaroo Excitable, Mr. Pencil Jumper, Mr. One Second Late, and last but not least, Mr. I'll-Go-Only-When-I-Know-Everyone-Else-is-Going.

This will be there coach, Mr. Flat-as-a-Pancake-Get-these-Gingers-off-of-Me.

This will be their team photo.  I guess Miss Excitable, Mr. Late, and Mr. Wait for Everyone Else won their races. 

Miss Flippers and Mr. Pencil don't look very happy.

 This is what it looks like when grown-ups have too much wine at 3 in the afternoon and ask the kids to take a picture.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Halloween 2013: Poison Apples and There's Waldo!

 Last year for Halloween, the kids dressed up at Ash, a Pokemon trainer, Misty, another Pokemon trainer (whatever the heck that means?), and Paige was Pippi Longstocking in her handmade costume.  

(Later, she won the costume contest!)  

We took the kids to the annual Halloween party down at the flight line on base.  There were the normal activities, such as a bouncy house, games, and face painting.  

There was also this blast from the past:  Bobbing for apples!

Due to the insane germ-a-phobic nature of modern society, I thought the days of bobbing for apples was long gone.  

 Paige, ever the daring adventurer, wanted to try this dental activity. 

There she is!  Chasing apple after apple with her mouth open in the water that had been in umpteen numbers of other mouths, and harboring countless numbers of germs and infectious agents.
Good job, Paige!  Keep trying!  

 Finally, she was able to grab one of the apple stems that had probably been inside the mouth of at least a dozen other people, including the hacking and green boogered toddler who tried before her. 

 Congratulations on probably contracting cholera or typhoid!

 Later, she told me that while she was bobbing for the germ apples, she was feeling a bit gross about the whole thing.  

Maybe some traditions are better off abandoned and quarantined and autoclaved

 Meanwhile, Phoebe was busy making Waldo want to go missing again after she beat the crap out of him with a bat.

Happy Halloween!

Tree Tipping on a Hike

For Christmas last year, we spent a few weeks with family in North Carolina.  Part of that time was deep the heart of Suburbia.

Within the confines of shopping malls, congested streets, and endless cars, there is a hidden gem; a beautiful park with streams and walking trails. 

We went for a hike on a cold, muddy, and gorgeous day.

 Cousins posed on a rock acting silly....

 Paige planked because I told her it was a thing, you know, to plank on things.  She was confused.

Jerry even came along for the hike.  He's too many for a jacket, by the way, while the rest of us froze to pieces. 

He's not a pleasure hiker.  Not a pleasure walker of any kind.  So he finds other things to do.  Manly things to do. 

"Hey, Phoebe.  I think that tree over there needs knocking down."

 So he went in there, gave it a push, 

 and a shove, 

 and very manly pushed over that dead tree. 

 Thus, a trend was set.  

Cousins C and C destroyed tree after tree.

Josh wanted part of the action, of course, so he chose a large tree to prove his budding manliness.

"Dad.  I need help."

(Josh's mantra is "I need help".)

 The big guns were called in and soon that tree, too, was fodder for the decomposers.

 After every tree in creation was knocked over, we continued our hike slowly, fording streams, and braving rapids barely moving.

 And amid the far-off sounds of the encircling Suburbia, our family grew closer on a cold, muddy, beautiful day.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Family Magic Trick

Every time we visit with Grandpa, the kids are treated to a magic show.  This is no ordinary magic show, this is one done by a professional, a master of slight of hand and mind power.  No, really.  Grandpa was an eye surgeon.  Oh, and he's brilliant. 

By some mysterious force, he can make a quarter magically disappear from the table, and using only HIS MIND, send the quarter across the room to a different location.

 He's been doing this same trick for years and the kids remain as curious as ever.....

Paige:     "I have an IQ of approximately 195.745.  Certainly I can deduce the flow of the fifth dimension as dictated by String Theory to precisely circumnavigate the laws of physics to determine the destined arrival coordinate of the Washington State quarter, Denver mint, 2007, once it has been mentally projected across time and space by this dastardly brilliant magician."

Phoebe:       "He wants my red hair.  He's always trying to steal it.  Maybe if I give it to him he'll tell me the secret.  But I like my red hair.  So, I will just sit here and look impossibly cute.  That always works."

Josh:           "Um?  That's strange.  Quarter was there.  Now gone.  How he do that?  Pokemon.  Chocolate.  Candy?  I don't understand....."

When the magic is complete, the quarter is located and the kids remain stumped.

A fun family tradition:  The true magic behind the trick. 

Where'd the Red Hair Come From?

 If I have heard it once, I've heard it a billion times:  "Where'd your kids get all of that red hair?"

Sometimes I smart aleck an answer with something like:
a.  The mailman 
b.  aisle four (hair color) at Walmart
c.  spontaneous generation (when I'm feeling very haughty)
d.  I don't know (when if fact I don't care)

So where did the red hair come from?

It came from genes, genetics, DNA.  A little bit of Viking, a smidgeon of German, a hint of Scottish, and a dollop of mutt.

See?  This is Jerry's sister.  She has mystery red hair, too, in the exact same shade and texture as my three red heads.  Isn't her hair just glorious?  I try not to be jealous, but wow.  Those are some pretty locks. 

So what do I usually answer with when someone asks where the red hair comes from?

e.  Their aunt has red hair.

Problem solved.