Friday, September 16, 2011

Burn Ban

Over Labor Day weekend, we went camping at Canyon Lake. Across the lake from our park we spotted this brush fire. After talking to someone who had seen it start, we learned the fire started suddenly and within an hour the entire park was gone.

The eye witness said that it looked and sounded like the Fourth of July when a tree caught fire. The ground and trees are so dry that everything exploded in a loud popping hiss of flames the second the fire got close.

The fire burned for only a few hours before fire crews had it contained. Luckily the part of the peninsula that burned was only a forested picnic and day-use area and not full of RV's and campers like our park was.

Later we learned someone was cooking lunch over an open fire in one of the fire pits despite signs all over the place saying, "Burn Ban in Effect. No Fires, Even in Fire Pits". I guess that ban didn't apply to them.

The people across from us started a fire in their fire pit later that same day, despite burn ban signs up all around us. Jerry was over there in 2.3 seconds telling them to put it out. It was quite windy that day and we didn't particularly want to burn to the ground, thank you very much.

In our neck of the woods we call this an awning "fail".

Told ya it was windy!