Yes. You're right. I'm a bit late. It's almost Christmas and I'm just now getting around to blogging about Halloween.
My West Texas tour took a tad longer than expected. But at least you'll be more interested in Halloween now that the Christmas season is driving you crazy!

This year, Paige was a Native American, Josh was a knight, and Phoebe was the pink princess Sir Josh was sworn to protect. Oh, and apparently in Paige's version of history, Native American princesses also needed a Medieval knight to protect them from the bad guys.

We went trick-or-treating on base, away from the bus loads full of Mexicans that swamp the off base neighborhoods. Some friends came over to wonder the streets with us. They had a storm trooper, a tinker fairy, and Thomas the Train who didn't want to get wet.

Their dad even got into the festive occasion. Besides being a highly trained Air Force pilot, this gentleman also is available for your child's birthday party dressed up as Darth Vader (scary breathing included!)
"Honey, I'm not sure you should be holding that particular part of Darth Vader. It may upset him!"

Jerry and I dressed up a few nights before for a grown-up Halloween party at a friends house. We wanted a matching couples outfit, and because Jerry is as wide as a semi, our options for costumes were very limited. One of the only couples outfits we could get was this Viking set. Unfortunately for me, the ginormous chest the model had in the pictures didn't come with the costume. Drat!

What happens when you have 20 fun, friendly women and give them a tad too much bloody margaritas? FUN!!!
PS. Look closely. There is a male traitor in our midst!)
Happy Halloween! (Very, very belated!)