Like this cassowary we saw at the zoo.
A what?
A cassowary is a large, flightless bird that is native to the tropical forests of New Guinea and Australia. They are primarily frugivorous, fruit eaters, but sometimes they will eat insects, frogs, or snakes.

Don't you sometimes wish you could stomp the crap out of people that get too aggravating?
Alas, cassowaries have no morals. Or prisons. Oh, well.
I digress...
Don't you think there are too many poop references in my posts?
Well, s#@t happens!
Cassowaries eat tons of fruit, in the process ingesting the seeds of the fruit. When the seeds are excreted in their scat, aka wild animal poop, the seeds are encased in yummy cassowary fertilizer. According to one random study I found, 92% of seeds contained inside of cassowary poop will grow compared to only 4% of seeds not in the poop.
As a cassowary sign at the zoo said, "How many trees have you planted?"

As a Christian I often find myself conflicted over this theology conundrum. On the one hand I take the Creation story as truth based on faith, and on the other hand I take the evolution theory as truth based on scientific evidence.
I taught biology 101 lab to freshmen back in college and the biggest topic was evolution. I took oodles of classes about evolutionary development. I almost changed my major to evo devo. I understand it. I get it. It makes perfect sense to me.
And after seeing an animal like this it's hard not to see some form of evolution at work.
Or not.
Maybe the key is that we're not supposed to know.