As in poop. Feces. Excrement.

The kids were running up ahead when suddenly I got a call to "Mommy, HURRY!! There's a really cool bug making a ball!"
As far as I know, the only bug in our desert that makes balls are dung beetles.
A dung beetle in action?
I've only heard of these dime sized beetles before and seen their remarkably fast ability to rid my yard of all dog poop in a matter of hours.
If you haven't seen the size of a Great Dane's poop pile before you'd be surprised, too. To be able to clear away one of those piles at all is a miracle, let alone within a few hours!
(When we lived in Shreveport, I never, NEVER, had to pick up the poop out of the backyard, even with two adult Great Danes using it as a toilet BID. The yard was always covered with small holes, burrowed under the now excavated poop pile. The dung beetles were happy and satiated I can guarantee!)
Digging like a beagle on speed.
Import dung beetles! (I sense a HUGE money making scheme brewing in my overactive imagination!)
FOR SALE: Dung Beetles. No more cleaning up after your pet. Let our beetles do it for you! Guaranteed.