Poor thing! Let's all cry boo hoo for poor neglected, unloved, and totally unspoiled Paige!
Oooh. Sorry. That was heavy on the sarcasm.
As a slacker-in-a-busy-bodies-body, I kept forgetting to book the park where she wanted to have her birthday "Angel" party, so when I finally did remember to call the park was already rented.
Option 2-6 fell through also so we ended up booking the craft room at the local Michael's Craft Store.
What could be more fun than a craft party with 10-12 six and seven year old girls??
(Insert pithy comment here: An enema? A root canal? I know, I know! A colonoscopy!)
Wow. I am really ill tonight!
So instead of being all chipper and oohing and ahhing about how great the party was, though it really was, I will instead give you my standard :
Lessons from a Craft Party

Seven year old girls have an attention span of 37 seconds.
It was a two hour long party.
Buy AT LEAST four crafts, with multiple steps, not a lot of spray adhesive to keep the intoxicating fumes to a minimum, and have a few handy dad's around to run boredom interference.

(I put them on the table for the girls to use to write their names on their picture frames. I think Jerry got a little too close to that spray adhesive can.)

Oh, Lordy! Now what?
Yes!! Musical chairs! Why hadn't I thought of that? (Thanks Jeff!)
(Oh, maybe it's because I've forgotten everything fun and my inner child has been taking a very, very, very long nap?)
Instead of a craft party, invite the party girls to your house, no matter how small, and let them have a giant playdate. They don't need, or want, all of that organized hoopla. They'll have more fun and you'll have less stress.
And, you won't be finding glitter in mysterious places.......