First up, Friday night, our apartment managers were hosting a Halloween party for the kiddies up at the clubhouse. (We have all pretty, kind, and female apartment managers so we didn't have to worry about Mr. Creepy Von Creeperson hanging around.)
The kids had choices for costumes this year, thanks to Gaga and Aunt Mimi giving them, us, hand-me-over costumes from Aunt Mimi's dancing days of youth.
For this occasion, Paige decided to go with her angel costume, Josh went with his Old Navy skeleton costume, and Phoebe wore an old leotard.
Because I'm wordy, geeky, and prone to imagery, I said they were "Angel, Death, and The Heavens."
Yeah. I know.

I miss my cup.)
Winners I tell ya!
Josh won first place in the game "Stick the Mole on the Witch", Paige, Phoebe, and I won second place in the Mummy wrap game (toilet papering each other), and Jerry won second place in Guess How Many Candy Corns Are in the Jar?
We racked up!!!

She's my scaredy cat!

She got nose, ears, head, etc., but things got dicey when I asked where her belly button was.
Woah! Phoebe!!
It's not that kind of party!
Time to grab out loot and scoot!