One perk to living on an Air Force base is the easily accessible amenities like playgrounds, gyms, and sports fields.

This is one of the new soccer fields available for on base residents. Once upon a time, 12 years ago when Jerry and I were here while he was a student pilot, this field looked much different, didn't it Lindsey? It was an on-base trailer park. It was the nicest trailer park EVER, with old growth oaks, green, green grass, and beautiful landscaping.
But the trailers are gone and the soccer goals are here instead.

On the far end of the field is this single tennis court. It has nice shade, a picnic pavilion, a net strap, and working lights. It's THE perfect tennis court to teach kids as there is only one court within the fence. No more having to yell, "Sorry! Sorry, again, that my kid hit another ball into your court!"

Jerry was a hotshot tennis player in school but ended up giving it up when his temper got the better of his playing. He's still very good and hits the ball so dang hard it's impossible for me to return it. Once upon a time he coached tennis to shorties like our kids so it was a no brainer whether the kids were going to learn tennis or not.
(I love tennis. I'm no good, but I love it. I grew up never having anyone to play with, and since my kids LOVE tennis, too, it seems that I've had to breed my own tennis partners. It works!)

Paige hits a ball like me. That is; awfully. She has a wicked slice and looks all weird when she hits a forehand. Like me. Her backhand is pretty good though. Like me. Kinda weird how much she's like me. Maybe that's why she drives me crazy.
We've been enjoying playing in the mornings even though the beauty of the desert sky can be a distraction:

Yep. There it is..........

Oh, sorry. Got a bit distracted by the clouds. Here's Jerry again trying to improve Paige's forehand.
So far, I think the only thing that has improved has been Jerry's patience. What he says is, "No, Paige. You twisted your wrist again. Keep your arm still." But what he really want to say is, "AHHHHHH!!!!! STOP TWISTING YOUR WRIST! THAT'S ENOUGH WE'RE GOING HOME!"
He's making HUGE improvements.

Phoebe is too young for tennis. So she takes up professional Gatorade drinking while the kids have their lessons.

Then there's The Boy. Jerry put a racket in his hand last summer and served him a ball. Josh, with no prior experience, swung at the ball and returned it perfectly; over the net, no slice, high-to-low, textbook swing.
Paige and I kind of hate him for that.
But I love to watch his natural talent unfold. He is awesome at tennis. Seriously. As he has a cooler head than his daddy, if he gets Jerry's size and power, Josh will be an unstoppable tennis player. Hello, college scholarship!
Sometimes I get lost in thought while watching Josh play. I begin to daydream about him all grown up. My mind wanders.....

Oh. Sorry. Dang clouds. They're just so wonderful and thought provoking!

What was I saying? Oh, yes, Josh and his awesomeness.
I think I've covered that thoroughly. Josh is awesome naturally, and as we keep telling Paige, she too can be awesome but she'll just have to work a bit harder. Like the rest of us.

And what about Phoebe? I'm afraid what her college scholarship will be. Is drinking considered a sport?
Gatorade drinking, that is.