To sum up, Jerry gets to go on weekend trips to all of these fun places, all on the government dollar, while I get to stay home and maybe have some wild fun and go to Wal-Mart.
To drive home my slightly whiny and definitely spoiled point, here is a visual demonstration of how awesome his weekends away are, and how not awesome are my weekends home alone.
Exhibit A - Jerry's meal at Reef, Downtown Houston
Fried macaroni and cheese, sauteed spinach, and lemon-encrusted redfish with some kind of fancy sauce.
Exhibit B - Dinner at home with three kids
An assortment of sugar-infused, carb-heavy breakfast cereals topped with non-organic, steroid-free 2% cows milk.
I rest my case. My husbands job is way awesomer.
An assortment of sugar-infused, carb-heavy breakfast cereals topped with non-organic, steroid-free 2% cows milk.
I rest my case. My husbands job is way awesomer.